

Riem, Antonella. David Malouf’s Partnership Narratives: The Light that Fills the World, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-0364-0315-7.


Benozzo, Francesco. Sciamanica. Poemi dai confini dei mondi / Poems from the Borders of the Worlds. Udine: Forum, pp. 436, ISBN 978-88-3283-3713.

Eisler, Riane. Empowering Girls and Boys to be Leaders in Uganda: A Conversation with Dr. Mwalimu MushesheInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS), 10, 1, pp. 1-8, ISNN 2380-8969.

Eisler, Riane. 2023. How Family Trauma Perpetuates Authoritarian Societies. Madhusree Mukerjee ed. Scientific American.

Riem, Antonella. Coleridge and Hinduism: The Unstuck Sound. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-5275-0249-X.  

Taylor, Andrew. Shore Lines. Sydney: Pitt Street Publications, ISBN 978-1-922776-06-8.


Alonso-Breto, Isabel. “Only Sow Words”: Cheran’s A Second Sunrise as Postcolonial AutobiographyLe Simplegadi, 22, pp. 30-47, ISSN 1824-5226.  

Benozzo, Francesco. The Ridge and the Song. Sailing the Archipelago of PoetryUdine: Forum, pp. 32, ISBN 978-88-3283-341-6.

Benozzo, Francesco. Poeti della marea. Canti bardici gallesi dal VI al X secolo. Udine: Forum, pp. 228, ISBN 978-88-3283-322-5.

Bertoldi, Elisa. Weaving English as a second language around partnership narratives for children. Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Applied Linguistics and Language Education. A. Riem & T. Hughes-d’Aeth (eds). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 126-139.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Environmental Crisis and Pandemic Emergency: News Stories of Erasure and Awareness. Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English. Riem, Antonella & Hughes-d’Aeth, Tony (eds). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 89-102.

Camilleri Grima, Antoinette & Mattia Mantellato. Empathizing with Migrants: Multimodality and Partnership in Teachers’ Professional DevelopmentUS-China Education Review B, 12, 4, pp. 81-94.

Eisler, Riane. Moral Sensitivity, Moral Transformation, and Evolutionary Scientist David Loye: An IntroductionInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS), 9, 2, pp. 1-17, ISNN 2380-8969.

Eisler, Riane. Moral Sensitivity and Our Interconnection with One Another and Nature: A Conversation With Ervin LaszloInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS), 9, 2, pp. 1-9, ISNN 2380-8969.

Howells, Coral Ann. Nurturing Nature and Our Humanity: Margaret Atwood’s Environmental Writing. Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Applied Linguistics and Language Education. A. Riem & T. Hughes-d’Aeth (eds). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 18-30.

Kane, Paul. Essay on Water. Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Applied Linguistics and Language Education. A. Riem & T. Hughes-d’Aeth (eds). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 31-42.

Mantellato, Mattia. Narrative Rewritings and Artistic Praxis in Derek Walcott’s Works: Caribbean Decolonisations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 1-5275-8806-8.

Mantellato, Mattia. Dismantling Colonial Frontiers: The Partnership Word in Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians. Ecosustainable Narratives and Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English. Antonella Riem & Tony Hughes-D’Aeth (eds). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 112-125, ISBN: 1-5275-8228-0.

Mantellato, Mattia. A Prayer for Life: Water, Art and Spirituality in T. S. Eliot’s The Waste LandLe Simplegadi, 22, pp. 22-140, ISSN 1824-5226.

Mantellato, Mattia & Antoinette Camilleri Grima. Bridging the Divide: Partnership and Migration. A Multimodal Project on Partnership, Art and EducationQuaderni di Semantica, 7-8, pp. 421-447, ISSN: 0393 1226.

Mantellato, Mattia. Dance as Decolonial and Partnership Praxis: José Limón’s The Moor’s Pavane, a ballet reworking of Shakespeare’s OthelloLingue e Linguaggi, 48, pp. 191-203, ISSN 2239-0367.

Mantellato, Mattia & Isabel Alonso-Breto (eds.). Partnership Encounters in Literature(s), Poetry and Voices from Other WorldsBlue Gum (Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals/Australian and Transnational Studies Centre Universitat de Barcelona), Universitat de Barcelona, 9, pp. 1-78, ISSN 2014-21-53.

Marenzi, Ivana, Maria Bortoluzzi & Francesca Bianchi. The LearnWeb Project for Multiliteracy Practices in Higher Education. Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age: Theory and Pedagogy for Developing Literacies. Christiane Lütge (ed). London: Routledge, pp. 238-254.

Mercanti, Stefano & Antonella Riem. The Gift of Partnership. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies(IJPS), 9, 2: 1-13.

Riem Natale, Antonella & Hughes-d’Aeth, Tony. Ecosustainable Narratives and Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN 1-5275-8228-0. 

Riem Natale, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti. Brave New Words: Healing Narratives and Inclusive Worlds Beyond DominationLe Simplegadi, 22, pp. 161, ISSN 1824-5226.  

Saidero, Deborah. 2022. Heal the Earth: Teachings from Indigenous Women. Ecosustainable Narratives and Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Antonella Riem Natale & Tony Hughes-d’Aeth (eds). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 103-111.  

Saidero, Deborah. Teaching Phonics to Italian EFL Students: The Results of a Pilot Project with Italian SchoolchildrenLTO – Lingua e testi di oggi: Linguistica, didattica dell’italiano e traduzione, n. 1-2021: 47-66, ISNN 2724-6701.

Saidero, Deborah. Indigenous Activism and the Healing Power of StorytellingLe Simplegadi, 22:65-76,ISSN 1824-5226.


Benozzo, Francesco. La Terra dei Morti di Thomas Kinsella come spazio primordiale di un nuovo immaginarioLe Simplegadi, 21, pp. 18-26, ISNN 1824-5226.

Bortoluzzi Maria, Bertoldi Elisa & Marenzi Ivana. (Re-)contextualizing Storytelling with Children in English L2: Mobile-Assisted Language Teacher EducationMobile Assisted Language Learning Across Educational Contexts. V. Morgana & A. Kukulska-Hulme (eds). Series: Routledge Focus Collection. London: Routledge, pp. 36-60.

Bortoluzzi, Maria, Elisa Bertoldi & Ivana Marenzi. Storytelling with Children in Informal Contexts. Learning to Narrate Across the Offline/Online BoundariesMultimodal Literacies Across Digital Learning Contexts. Maria Grazia Sindoni & Ilaria Moschini (eds). London-New York: Routledge, pp. 72-89.

Camilleri Grima, Antoinette & Mattia Mantellato. Expressing a personal response to a creative text in the ‘Maltese as a Foreign Language’ class. MRER – Malta Review of Educational Research, 15, 2, pp. 269-291.

Concilio, Carmen. The ‘Cockroach’: Waste and Wasted Life in World Literatures in EnglishLe Simplegadi, 21, pp. 80-96, ISNN 1824-5226.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Il romanzo diasporico in Gran Bretagna. Storie condivise per una cultura di partnership.Udine: Forum, pp. 236, 978-88-3283-258-7.

Eisler, Riane. The Commons and Education for Cultural Transformation: A Conversation with Aftab Omer & Melissa SchwartzInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS), 8, 2, pp. 1-10, ISNN 2380-8969.

Mastrangelo, Nunziana. In Conversation with Riane EislerLe Simplegadi, 21, pp. 143-147, ISNN 1824-5226.

Riem Natale, Antonella. L’immaginazione poetica e l’induismo. Una visione advaita (a-duale) tra Oriente e Occidente nel Romanticismo inglese. Udine: Forum, pp. 128, ISBN 978-88-3283-226-6.

Riem, Antonella. “At the Speed of Trees”: Richard Powers’ The OverstoryLe Simplegadi, 21. pp. 27-40, ISNN 1824-5226.

Riem Natale, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti. Nurturing Nature, Nourishing our Humanity: Ecosustainable Narratives and Environmental Issues in Anglophone LiteraturesLe Simplegadi, 21, pp. 164, ISNN 1824-5226.

Riem Natale, Antonella, Sue Ballyn, Stefano Mercanti & Caterina Colomba (eds.) I’m Listening Like the Orange Tree. In Memory of Laurie Hergenhan. Udine: Forum, pp. 204, ISBN 978-88-3283-277-8.

Saidero, Deborah. The Quest Motif in the Travelogues and Memoirs of Migrant WritersOltreoceano, 17, pp. 71-78, ISNN 1973-9370.


Bertoldi, Elisa. Creating Bridges with Nature: Storytelling in English L2 for Children. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesAntonella Riem & John Thieme (eds)Udine: Forum, pp. 133-144, ISBN: 978-88-3283-206-8.

Bortoluzzi, Maria, I. Boato, G. Salvador & I. Marenzi (forthcoming). The Learning Dialogue of University Language Students in a Digital Environment for Online Text Annotation. Lingue e Linguaggi.

Eisler, Riane. The Power of Women. A Conversation with the Honorable Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. Interdisciplinary Journal of partnership Studies, 7, 1: 1-8, ISSN: 2380-8969.

Kane, Paul. “Evil will bless, and ice will burn”: Emerson, Frost and Fire. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesAntonella Riem & John Thieme (eds)Udine: Forum, pp. 123-132, ISBN: 978-88-3283-206-8.

Mantellato, Mattia. “We going change round the carnival”: Decolonial Narratives and Partnership Encounters in Derek Walcott’s Drums and Colours. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesAntonella Riem & John Thieme (eds)Udine: Forum, pp. 57-74, ISBN: 978-88-3283-206-8.

Mantellato, Mattia. Citazioni e allusioni corporee in un balletto di Petr ZuskaParole rubate, 22: 141-148, ISSN: 2039-0114.

Mantellato, Mattia. (Re)Playing Shakespeare through modern dance: Youri Vamos’s Romeo and JulietCahiers Elisabéthains, 102, 1: 54-68.

Mastrangelo, Nunziana. Dylan Coleman’s Mazin Grace: Saving Endangered Language(s) through Literature. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesAntonella Riem & John Thieme (eds)Udine: Forum, pp. 157-172, ISBN: 978-88-3283-206-8.

Riem, Antonella. Partnership and the Feminine in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea and George Lamming’s Natives of My Person: An Ecosophy of the Soul. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesAntonella Riem & John Thieme (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 13-38, ISBN: 978-88-3283-206-8.

Riem, Antonella. Alchemical Rubedo in Jill Mellick’s The Red Book Hours: Ecosophy of the SpiritInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 7, 1: 1-15, ISSN: 2380-8969.

Riem, Antonella. Gerald Manley Hopkins’s Ecosophical LamentLingue e Linguaggi, 36: 255-265, ISSN: 2239-0359, doi: 10.1285/i22390359v36p255.

Riem, Antonella & John Thieme (eds). Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone LiteraturesUdine, Forum, pp. 176, ISBN 978-88-3283-206-8.

Riem, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti. Always Connect: Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Contact in Literary DiscourseLe Simplegadi, 18, 20, pp. 183.

Rizzardi, Biancamaria & Giovanni Bassi ( a cura di). La luce e l’inchiostro. Scritture e fotografia in dialogo. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, pp. 172, ISBN: 9788846757494.

Saidero, Deborah. Self-translation as Translingual and Transcultural TranscreationOltreoceano, 16: 31-42.


Bertoldi, Elisa. 2019. Let’s Tell a Tale: Storytelling Events in English L2. Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature, 57, 3: 51-55, ISSN: 000637377.

Bertoldi , Elisa & Maria Bortoluzzi. Let’s Tell a Tale. Storytelling with Children in English L2. Udine. Forum Editrice, pp. ISBN 978-88-3283-155-9.

Riem, Antonella. Coleridge e Panikkar: la parola creativa che manifesta l’Uno. Fausto Freschi & Franco Fabbro (a cura di). Yoga e Advaita. Antiche tradizioni indiane. Roma: Carocci, pp. 78-96, ISBN: 978-88-430-9687-9.

Riem, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti. Narrating Empathy: Story-Telling and Equitable Inter-Connections in Languages and LiteraturesLe Simplegadi, 17, 19: 288.

Saidero, Deborah. Insegnare i phonics: manuale glottodidattico della lingua inglese per la scuola primaria. Udine, Forum, pp. 260, ISBN: 978-88-3283-113-9.


Deandrea, Pietro. In Every Holt and Heath: Spatial Counter-Actions in Contemporary British Literature on MigrantsLe Simplegadi, 16, 18: 52-64.

Eisler, Riane. Contracting or Expanding Consciousness: Foundations for Partnership and PeaceInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 5, 3: 1-13.

Eisler, Riane. Raising Caring Men: A Conversation with Gary BarkerInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 5, 2: 1-10.

Eisler, Riane. Valuing and Supporting the Work of Caregiving: A Conversation with Ai-jen PooInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 5, 1: 1-6.

Eisler, Riane. Protecting Children: From Rhetoric to Global ActionInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 5, 1: 1-27.

Mantellato, Mattia. Rooting Identities: Derek Walcott’s Connection(s) with the Caribbean EnvironmentLe Simplegadi, 16, 18: 191-204.

Mantellato, Mattia. Derek Walcott tra poesia e pittura in Tiepolo’s HoundAtti delle Rencontres de l’Archet, pp. 145-150, ISBN: 978-88-32028-01-0.

Mercanti, Stefano. Re-storying the Past, Re-imagining the Future in Adib Khan’s Homecoming and Spiral RoadMediating Literary Borders: Asian Australian Writing, Janet Wilson & Chandani Lokugé eds. London: Routledge, ISBN: 9781138570818.

Riem, Antonella. Il potere della partnership e il rapporto sacro con la vita Prefazione alla prima traduzione in italiano di: Riane Eisler, Il potere della partnership. Sette modalità di relazione per una nuova vita, pp. 11-18. Udine: Forum, ISBN: 978883283040-8.

Riem, Antonella. Serpenti, eroi e rose di maggio. La danza cosmica di femminile e maschile in ShakespeareLingue e Linguaggi, 27: 331-365.

Riem, Antonella, Stefano Mercanti & Pietro Deandrea. “Always on the other side”: Migrations and Shape-Shifting Identities in Anglophone LiteraturesLe Simplegadi, 16, 18: 297.

Riem, Antonella. La cura e l’incontro. Intersezioni di partnership nella ricerca letteraria e nella vita civile. Beatrice Bonato & Claudia Furlanetto (a cura di). Sulla cura. Pratiche e prospettive a confronto. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 15-35, ISBN: 9788857547572.

Saidero, Deborah. A Many-Tongued Babel: Translingualism in Canadian Multicultural Writing. G. De Gasperi & J. Pivato (eds). Comparative Literature for the New Century. Montreal: McGill, pp. 199-214.


Bortoluzzi, Maria. Multimodal Awareness in Ecology Discourse for Children EducationLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 126-139.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Voices of self- and other- identification from a pro-innocent community: Action-oriented discourses in online popular forensicsDiversity and identification in social media discourse, Sirpa Leppänen, Samu Kytölä & Elina Westinen (eds). London: Routledge, pp. 150-178, ISBN  9781138651418.

Bortoluzzi, Maria & Ivana Marenzi. Web searches for learning. How language teachers search for online resourcesLingue e Linguaggi, 23: 21-36.

Eisler, Riane. Mothering Nature in the Age of Trump: Dr. Riane EislerPsychology Today ( March 08).

Eisler, Riane. A Conversation with Sally Coxe: A Primate Partnership CultureInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 4, 3: 1-14.

Eisler, Riane. A Conversation with Jessica Hellmann: Reducing the Impact of Climate ChangeInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 4, 3: 1-8.

Kane, Paul. The Limits of Environmental Writing: Thirlmere Lake, Hetch Hetchy Valley & Storm King MountainLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 35-52.

Mantellato, Mattia. A Choreographic Dialogue with Caribbean Poetry: the Sacredness of the Feminine in Walcott’s Omeros (1990). Lingue e Linguaggi, 21: 145-157, ISSN 2239-0367, doi: 10.1285/i22390359v21p145.

Riem, Antonella. A Gesture of Reconciliation. Partnership Studies in Australian Literature. Udine: Forum, pp. 212, ISBN 978-88-8420-995-5.

Riem, Antonella. Places of the Imagination: Ecological Concerns in David Malouf’s “Jacko’s Reach”Le Simplegadi, 15, 17: 72-80.

Riem, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti eds. Living Together on this Earth: Eco-Sustainable Narratives and Environmental Concerns in English Literature/sLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 387.

Rizzardi, Biancamaria. “A garden of green lace”: P. K. Page’s EcolectLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 81-89.

Saidero, Deborah. ‘Violence against the Earth is Violence against Women’: The Rape Theme in Women’s Eco-NarrativesLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 263-273.

Saidero, Deborah. Munro in Translation: An Analysis of ‘The Bear Came Over the Mountain’. O. Palusci (ed.) Alice Munro and The Anatomy of the Short Story. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 159-167, ISBN 978-1-5275-0353-3.

Salis, Loredana. “…so much immortal wealth”: Life in the Sick-Room by Harriet Martineau as Eco-Sustainable NarrativeLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 223-237.

Thieme, John. From the Personal Heresy to Ecocriticism: Moving Canons, Creating Reading CommunitiesLe Simplegadi, 15, 17: 53-62.


Bortoluzzi, Maria & Lieve Gies (eds). Transmedia Crime Stories. The trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the globalized media sphere. Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-1-137-59003-9, ISBN 978-1-137-59004-6 (eBook), DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59004-6.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. (Co-)constructing community-identity: Pro-innocent voices in the Meredith Kercher murder case. Transmedia Crime Stories. The trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the globalized media sphere, 111-137. Lieve Gies & Maria Bortoluzzi (eds). Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-1-137-59003-9, ISBN 978-1-137-59004-6 (eBook).

Bortoluzzi, Maria & Elena Semino. Face attack in Italian politics: Beppe Grillo’s insulting epithets for other politiciansJournal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 4, 2, 178-201.

Bortoluzzi, Maria & Lieve Gies. Introduction: Transmedia Crime Stories. Transmedia Crime Stories. The trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the globalized media sphere, 1-13. Lieve Gies & Maria Bortoluzzi eds. Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-1-137-59003-9, ISBN 978-1-137-59004-6 (eBook), DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59004-6.

Concilio, Carmen. Representations of the Lebanese Civil War and Peace in two Short Stories by Mai GhoussoubLe Simplegadi, 14, 15: 24-33.

De Angelis, Irene. From Propaganda to Private Grief: Rudyard Kipling and World War ILe Simplegadi, 14, 15: 74-81.

Eisler, Riane. 2016. L’infanzia di domani. Un contributo per l’educazione alla partnership nel XXI secolo. Udine: Forum, pp. 312, ISBN: 978-88-8420-953-5.

Eisler, Riane. A Framework and First Steps for Social/Economic TransformationThe Next System Project, 1-31.

Eisler, Riane. A Conversation with Brie Mathers: Learning To Value Our Bodies and Our SelvesInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 3, 2: 1-11.

Eisler, Riane. Creativity, Society, and Gender: Contextualizing and Redefining CreativityInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 3, 2: 1-33.

Ghdaye, Katarina (ed). Ecolinguistic Perspectives on Our Surroundings. tarina Ghdaye, Valentina Boschian Bailo, Eliana Fortunato, Sidonia Gadient, Ilenia Gosgnach, Mattia Mantellato, Martina Napolitano, Federica Rinaldi & Gemma Roman (written by). Language and Ecology, 1-20. 

Mercanti, Stefano. Re-storying the Past, Re-imagining the Future in Adib Khan’s Homecoming and Spiral RoadJournal of Postcolonial Writing,  52, 5: 622-633, DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2016.1219138.

Riem, Antonella Natale. Lords of Peace, Lords of War: the Master and the Terrorist in Child’s Play by David MaloufLe Simplegadi, 14, 15: 6-15.

Riem, Antonella Natale & Stefano Mercanti (eds). Interrogating the Representation of Peace and War in English Literature/s: Theory, Texts, History and Social PracticesLe Simplegadi, 14, 15, pp. 137, ISSN: 1824-5226.

Saidero, Deborah. The Friulian-Canadian Immigrant ExperienceOltreoceano, 11: 245-256.

Salis, Loredana. Writing Peace Out of Conflict: Nacy Cunard, Carole Satyamurti, Frank McGuinnessLe Simplegadi, 14, 15: 82-94.


Bortoluzzi, Maria. English in academia and education: from language dominance to critical linguistic diversity. Le plurilinguisme et le monde du travail. Entre besoins, défis et stratégies [Plurilingualism and the Labour Market. Language Needs, Challenges and Strategies] S. Gerolimich & S. Vecchiato (eds) Series “Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel”. Berne: Peter Lang, pp. 68-86, ISSN: 1610-143X.

Riem, Antonella Natale & Stefano Mercanti (eds). Diasporic Itineraries in World Literatures in EnglishLe Simplegadi, 13, 14, pp. 67, ISSN: 1824-5226.

Eisler, Riane. La vera ricchezza delle nazioni. Creare un’economia di curaUdine: Forum, pp. 288, ISBN 9788884209047.

Eisler, Riane. A Conversation with Peter Senge: Transforming Organizational CulturesInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1, 1: 1-14.

Eisler, Riane. Nurturing Children’s Humanity: Partnership EducationInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 2, 2: 1-34.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Digging into the Past, Exploring the Present: Richard Flanagan’s Gould’s Book of Fish: A Novel in Twelve FishLingue e Linguaggi, 13: 107-117, ISSN: 22390367.

Mercanti, Stefano. From Humanness to Indianness: Raja Rao and the Politics of TruthLingue e Linguaggi, 13: 227-234, ISSN: 22390367.

Riem, Antonella. Voci e parole creative di donne: Milk di Beverly Farmer e The Home Girls di Olga MastersLingue e Linguaggi, 13: 245-255, ISSN: 22390367.

Riem, Antonella. Partnership Studies: A New Methodological Approach to Literary Criticism in World Literatures, Languages and EducationInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 2, 1: 1-9.


Eisler, Riane. Human Possibilities: The Interaction of Biology and CultureInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1, 1: 1-38.

Eisler, Riane. A Conversation with Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Leaders Transforming CulturesInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1, 1: 1-7.

Gies, L. & Maria Bortoluzzi. Purity and contamination in online popular forensics: amateur-expert readings of the Meredith Kercher murder caseContinuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 28, 3: 532-544, ISSN: 10304312.

Loye, David. Untangling Partnership and Domination MoralityInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1, 1: 1-18.

Mercanti, Stefano. Glossary for Cultural Transformation: The Language of Partnership and DominationInterdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1, 1: 1-35.

Mercanti, Stefano (a cura di). Ashis Nandy, Il nemico intimo. Perdita e recupero dell’identità sotto la dominazione coloniale (traduzione di Umberto Rossi), intro. pp. 7-11, intervista a cura di U. Rossi pp. 121-125. Udine: Forum, pp. 120, ISBN 9788884208019.

Riem, Antonella Natale. The Spirit of the Creative Word in Patrick White’s Voss. In Patrick White Centenary: The Legacy of a Prodigal Son, Cynthia vanden Driesen & Bill Ashcroft (eds). New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 222-240, ISBN: 9781322097251.

Riem, Antonella Natale, Stefano Mercanti, Annalisa Oboe & Maria Paola Guarducci (eds). Cultures and ImperialismsLe Simplegadi, Special Issue, 12, 12, pp. 342, ISSN: 1824-5226.

Riem, Antonella Natale & Stefano Mercanti (eds). Eco-Sustainable Narratives in World Literatures, Languages and Education. Le Simplegadi, 12, 13, pp. 131, ISSN: 1824-5226.

Saidero, D. Reformulations of Ethnicity, Gender and the Multicultural City in Women’s Writing: 1990-2006.  O. Palusci & B. Rizzardi (eds). Crossing Borders: Variations on a Theme in Canadian Studies. Pisa, Edizioni ETS.


Ackland, Michael. “On all fours passing, tintinnabulation”: Murray Bail’s Creative Case against the Imperial Word. In Riem A., M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone Literatures. Udine: Forum, pp. 231-240, ISBN 9788884208378.

Bortoluzzi, Maria & I. Marenzi. YELLing for Partnership: A social platform for sharing practice and reflection in teacher training for language learning. A. Riem A., M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone Literatures. Udine: Forum, pp. 249-262, ISBN 9788884208378.

Caporale Bizzini, Silvia,  L. Esposito & A.  Ruggiero (eds). Special Issue: Identity, Culture and Performance StudiesRevista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) 26, ISSN: 02144808.

Caporale Bizzini, Silvia. Recollecting Memories, Reconstructing Identities: Narrators as Storytellers in Kazuo Ishiguro’s When We Were Orphans and Never Let Me Go. Atlantis. Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 35: 65-80, ISSN: 02106124.

De Luca, Anna Pia. The Silence of Words in Canadian Migrant Literature. The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 155-164, ISBN 9788884208378.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Reinventing the World through the Creative Word: Andrea Levy’s Small IslandThe Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 131-146, ISBN 9788884208378.

Eisler, Riane. The Power of the Creative Word: From Domination to Partnership. The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 33-46 , ISBN 9788884208378.

Eisler, Riane. Protecting the Majority of Humanity: Toward an Integrated Approach to Crimes against Present and Future GenerationsSustainable Development, International Criminal Justice, and Treaty Implementation. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger & Sébastien Jodoin (eds). Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 1-24.

Howells, Coral Ann. “Nothing”: Writing Poetry of Place and Belonging in World Literatures in English. The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 117-130 , ISBN 9788884208378.

Mercanti, Stefano. Modello Mutuale e Studio delle CultureMatriarché. Il principio materno per una società egualitaria e solidale. F. Colombini & M. Di Bernardo (a cura di). Roma: Èxòrma Edizioni, pp. 80-83, ISBN: 9788895688954.

Riem, Antonella Natale, Maria Renata Dolce, Stefano Mercanti & Caterina Colomba (eds). The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone Literatures. Udine: Forum, intro. xx + pp. 336, ISBN 9788884208378.

Riem, Antonella Natale & Stefano Mercanti (eds). The Creative Word: Englishes in World LiteraturesLe Simplegadi, 11, 11, pp. 196, ISSN: 1824-5226.

Riem, Antonella. The Creative Word, the Birth of Sound and Imagination in Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 47-60, ISBN 9788884208378.

Saidero, Deborah (ed). A Word after a Word after a Word is Power. Udine: Forum, pp. 168, ISBN 9788884208392.

Saidero, Deborah. Cultural Citizenship and Partnership Models: Towards a Transcultural and Cosmopolitan Identity. D. Saidero (ed.) A Word after a Word after a Word is Power: Saggi per Anna Pia De Luca. Udine, Forum, ISBN 9788884208392.

Saidero, Deborah. Partnership Mythoi in Native American Cultures.  The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 287-298, ISBN 9788884208378.

Saidero, Deborah. The Transcultural Rewriting of the Italian EthnoscapeOltreoceano, 7: 57-66.

Thieme, John. “Wordy-Wallahs”: Partnership Strategies in World Literatures in english. The Tapestry of the Creative Word in Anglophone LiteraturesA. Riem, M. R. Dolce, S. Mercanti & C. Colomba (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 195-208, ISBN 9788884208378.


Bortoluzzi, Maria. From English to New Englishes: Language Migration Towards New ParadigmsMigrations, Diaspora, and Information Technology in Global Societies, Leopoldina Fortunati, Raul Pertierra & Jane Vincent (eds). London: Routledge, pp. 35-48, ISBN 9870415887090.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Second Life for Virtual E-Communities in Education: Sharing Teaching Principles?Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 8, 3: 119-128, eISSN 1971-8829.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. Defeating Patriarchal Politics: The Snake Woman as Goddess. A Study of the Manasa Mangal Kavya of BengalIntersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 30, ISSN: 14409151.

De Luca, Anna Pia & Deborah Saidero (eds). Transformations of the Canadian Cultural Mosaic. Udine: Forum, pp. 184, ISBN: 9788884207340.

De Luca, Anna Pia. Stories of Suitcases: Young Girls from Auschwitz to CanadaOltreoceano, 6: 19-28, ISSN: 19724527.

Howells, Coral Ann. An Atwoodian Mosaic: Transformations. In Transformations of the Canadian Cultural Mosaic. Udine: Forum, pp. 49-62, ISBN: 9788884207340.

Mercanti, Stefano. ‘No Better or Worse than Anyone, but an Equal’: Negotiating Mutuality in Adib Khan’s Seasonal Adjustments. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL) 12, 2: 13, ISSN: 18336027.

Mercanti, Stefano. Glossario mutualeIl piacere è sacro. Il potere e la sacralità del corpo e della terra dalla preistoria a oggi, Riane Eisler. Udine: Forum, pp. 655-684, ISBN: 9788884207432.

Mercanti, Stefano. In Conversation with Riane EislerLe Simplegadi, 10, 10: 143-154, ISSN: 18245226.

Riem, Antonella (a cura di). Riane Eisler, Il piacere è sacro. Il potere e la sacralità del corpo e della terra dalla preistoria a oggi. Udine: Forum, pp. 688, ISBN: 9788884207432.

Riem, Antonella. The Pleiades and the Dreamtime: an Aboriginal Women’s Story and Other Ancient World TraditionsCoolabah, 9: 113-127, ISSN: 1988-5.

Riem, Antonella. Varcare la soglia: il valore della cultura umanistica nella politica e nelle istituzioni. In Donne, politica e istituzioni: varcare la soglia? Silvana Serafin e Marina Brollo (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 13-14, ISBN: 9788884207135.

Riem, Antonella. Lo spirito della parola e le imprese al femminile. In Donne, politica e istituzioni: le imprese delle donne, Marina Brollo e Silvana Serafin (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 33-42, ISBN: 9788884207692.

Riem, Antonella & Stefano Mercanti (eds). Reading Transnational Texts, Film & Media in the English-Speaking WorldLe Simplegadi, 10, 10, pp. 154, ISSN: 18245226.

Saidero, Deborah. Transforming Native Myths in Multicultural Writing. In Transformations of the Canadian Cultural Mosaic. Udine: Forum, pp. 95-104, ISBN: 9788884207340.

Saidero, Deborah. The Epic Journeys of the Modern Canadian Penelope. Oltreoceano, 6: 29-36 , ISSN: 19724527.

Thieme, John. Postcolonial Mappae MundiLe Simplegadi, 10, 10: 47-66, ISSN: 18245226.


Barua, Krishna. A Betweenness in the Language of Enactment in Raja Rao’s KanthapuraIndian Review of World Literature in English (IRWLE), 6, 2: 1-9, ISSN: 0974097x.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. Intersections: a Journey Towards Empowerment of Women in Australian and Bengali Folk TalesLe Simplegadi, 9, 9: 40-52, ISSN: 18245226.

Eisler, Riane. Re-Mything ScheherazadeLe Simplegadi, 9, 9: 6-31, ISSN: 18245226.

Eisler, Riane. The Dance between the Dominator and Partnership ModelsLe Simplegadi, 9, 9: 76-94, ISSN: 18245226.

Howells, Coral Ann.  Identity Trouble: The Canadian CaseIdentities in Transition in the English-Speaking World, N. Vasta, A. Riem, M. Bortoluzzi & D. Saidero (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 187-200, ISBN: 9788884206930.

Mercanti, Stefano. Glossario mutualeIl Calice e la spada. La civiltà della Grande Dea dal Neolitico ad oggi, Riane Eisler. Udine: Forum, pp. 404-415, ISBN: 9788884206800.

Mercanti, Stefano. Colonial Narrative and Indigenous Consciousness in Raja Rao’s Kanthapura and Ignazio Silone’s Fontamara: A Partnership Study. In Voice and Memory. Indigenous Imagination and Expression, G. Devy, G. V. Davis & K. K. Chakravarty (eds). Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, pp. 209-225, ISBN: 9788125042228.

Mercanti, Stefano. Displacing Androcracy: Cosmopolitan Partnerships in Bapsi Sidhwa’s WaterCosmopolitan Civil Societies Journal, 3, 3: 162-175, ISSN: 18375391.

Riem, Antonella (a cura di). Riane Eisler, Il Calice e la Spada. La civiltà della Grande Dea dal Neolitico ad oggi. Udine: Forum, pp. 416, ISBN: 9788884206800.

Riem, Antonella. The Sea has Many Voices. The Fluid MotherGoddess World in David Malouf’s RansomLe Simplegadi, 9, 9: 95-119, ISNN: 1824-5226.

Saidero, Deborah. Intersectional Identities and Translation Theory in Canada. In Identities in Transition in the English-Speaking World, N. Vasta, A. Riem, M. Bortoluzzi & D. Saidero (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 347-360, ISBN: 978-8884206930.

Saidero, Deborah. Self-Translation as Transcultural Re-Inscription of Identity in Dôre Michelut and Gianna PatriarcaOltreoceano, 5: 31-40, ISSN: 19724527.

Vasta, Nicoletta, Antonella Riem, Maria Bortoluzzi & Deborah Saidero (eds). Identities in Transition in the English-Speaking World. Udine: Forum, pp. 368, ISBN: 9788884206930.


Albarea, Roberto. Competence and Narration: An Educational Antinomy Bewteen Male and Female?”Where Everything Falls into Place”Id-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 203-212, ISBN 9788884206428.

Bartoloni, Paolo. The Notion of Suspension in Modern LiteratureId-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 87-94, ISBN 9788884206428.

Barua, Krishna.  The Cosmic and Acosmic – A Redefinition of Being and Time in Patrick White’s VossIndian Review of World Literature in English (IRWLE), 6, 2: 1-5, ISSN: 0974097x.

Brady, Veronica. All that is Solid Melts into Air: Australia’s Future? Le Simplegadi, 8, 8: 16-23, ISSN: 18245226.

De Luca, Anna Pia. First Nations, Female Myths and Cultural Identities in Canadian Ethnic LiteratureId-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 75-86, ISBN 9788884206428.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Re-membering Women’s Violated Bodies: Sindiwe Magona’s Beauty’s GiftId-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 55-86, ISBN 9788884206428.

Mercanti, Stefano. Ironic Partnerships in R.K. Narayan’s MalgudiId-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 95-105, ISBN 9788884206428.

Pecoraro, Laura. Kincora and Grania: Augusta Gregory’s Representation of two Famous Heroines of Irish MythologyId-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 147-162, ISBN 9788884206428.

Riem, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora, Maria Renata Dolce & Stefano Mercanti (eds). Partnership Id-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-Inscription/s of the Feminine. Udine: Forum, pp. 244, ISBN 9788884206428.

Riem, Antonella & Angelo Righetti (eds). Drops of light coalescing. Studies for Maria Teresa BindellaUdine: Forum, pp. 296, ISBN: 9788884206015.

Riem, Antonella. Tuning into the Sound of Imagination: David Malouf’s Typewriter MusicDrops of Light Coalescing. Udine: Forum, pp. 211-222, ISBN: 9788884206015.

Riem, Antonella. The Only Speaker of his Tongue. David Malouf and Endangered Languages and Id-EntitiesPartnership Id-Entities. Cultural and Literary Re-inscription/s of the Feminine, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora, M. R. Dolce & S. Mercanti (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 19-29, ISBN: 9788884206428.

Riem, Antonella. Il corpo della dea. Il piacere è sacroIl corpo delle donne tra discriminazioni e pari opportunità, Marina Brollo & Silvana Serafin (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 31-34, ISBN: 9788884206046.


Albarea, Roberto. Esperienza estetica e divenire umanoOltreoceano, 3: 17-26, ISSN: 19724527.

Bortoluzzi, Maria & Piergiorgio Trevisan. Identities in “Non-Places”: The Geosemiotics of Computer-mediated Learning Environments in Second LifeTEXTUS, 23: 199-224, ISSN: 18243967.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. The Chandi Mangal Kavya of Mukundaram ChakrabortyLe Simplegadi, 7, 7: 40-52, ISSN: 18245226.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. Patriarchal Politics and the (Dis)Empowerment of Hindu Goddesses: Unveiling the Chandi Mangal and the Devi Mahatmya of the Markandeya PuranaIntersections:Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 22, ISBN: 14409151.

De Luca, Anna Pia.  Le prime poesie di Mary di MicheleOltreoceano, 3: 75-86, ISSN: 19724527.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Telling the ‘Truth’ about Australia’s Past: Reconciliation as Recognition in Society and LiteratureBernard Hickey, a Roving Cultural Ambassador. Udine: Forum, pp. 109-126, ISBN: 9788884205445.

Mercanti, Stefano.  The Rose and the Lotus. Partnership Studies in the Works of Raja Rao. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, pp. 221, ISBN 978904202833 [1st Indian Edition 2013 by Overseas Press].

Pedriali, G. Federica. Gli ultimi della serie, la serie degli ultimi. Svevo, Gadda, Tomasi.  Le Simplegadi, 7, 7: 5-16, ISSN: 18245226.

Riem, Antonella. The Goddess Slid into the Australian Desert: Voss a Revisitation. In Bernard Hickey, a Roving Cultural Ambassador. Udine: Forum, pp. 251-264, ISBN: 97888-84205445.

Riem, Antonella & Maria Renata Dolce (eds). Bernard Hickey, a Roving Cultural Ambassador. Udine: Forum, ISBN: 9788884205445.

Riem, Antonella. Bruce Chatwin and the Aboriginal Story “Murgah Muggui”. Threading Songlines and Webs of LivesCoolabah, 1: 108-115, ISNN: 19885946.

Riem, Antonella. In Australia con la Grande Madre: Oodgeroo Noonuccal e la poesia dell’animaOltreoceano, 3: 201-210, ISSN: 19724527.

Riem, Antonella. Lance David Henson, poeta CheyenneOltreoceano, 3: 265-268, ISSN: 19724527.

Saidero, Deborah. Le maschere dell’io: identità transculturale nella poesia italo-canadeseOltreoceano, 3: 87-96, ISSN: 19724527.


Mercanti, Stefano. Percorsi di integrazione nel romanzo italiano di Ignazio Silone e nell’opera coloniale indo-inglese di Raja RaoOltreoceano, 2: 203-210, ISSN: 19724527.

Riem, Antonella. Dalla spada al calice: educare uomini e donne alla compartecipazione e alla condivisioneDonne, politica e istituzioni tra desiderio e certezza, Silvana Serafin & Marina Brollo (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 11-14, ISBN: 9788884204691.

Riem, Antonella. Per un lessico di partnership: parole che danno ‘anima’ alle istituzioniDialogare con le Istituzioni. Il lessico delle pari opportunità, Silvana Serafin & Marina Brollo (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 15-18, ISBN: 9788884204899.

Riem, Antonella. “Dinewan the man Changes to Dinewan the Emu”: metamorfosi e cicli vitali in una storia aborigena di potereOltreoceano, 2: 211-220, ISSN: 19724527.


Albarea, Roberto. Partnership Models for a Viable and Sustainable Education: Towards Possible Alternative FuturesThe Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 333-346, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Badurina, Nakta. Fra gli scogli erranti dell’Adriatico. Sulle recenti polemiche intorno alla denominazione della letteratura rinascimentale in DalmaziaLe Simplegadi, 5, 5: 71-78, ISNN: 1824-5226.

Bartoloni, Paolo. Il paradosso della traduzione in “Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers” (Il compito del traduttore) di Walter BenjaminLe Simplegadi, 5, 5: 62-70, ISNN: 1824-5226.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Language and Partnership in Malouf’s An Imaginary LifeThe Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 83-97, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Brady, Veronica. Borders, Identity and the Question of AustraliaLe Simplegadi, 5, 5: 56-61, ISNN: 1824-5226.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. The Feminine Divine in the Works of Toni Morrison and Mahasweta DeviThe Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 133-146, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. Women Writing in Bengal. An Anthology of Short Stories. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 356, ISBN: 9780195685855. 

De Luca, Anna Pia. The Maturing of the Goddess: the Crone Figure in Laurence and AtwoodThe Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 191-198, ISBN: 9788884204493.

De Luca, Anna Pia. Mondi femminili e altre tragedie canadesi: le poesie di Gianluca Patriarca.  Oltreoceano, 1: 29-38, ISSN: 19724527.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Crossing Boundaries: History/Herstories, Female Genealogies and the Call of the Earth Mother in Andrè Brink’s Imaging of Sand.The Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 157-170, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Eisler, Riane. The Goddess as Metaphor in the Cultural Transformation TheoryThe Goddess Awakened. Partnership Studies in Literature, Language and Education, A. Riem, M. C.  Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 23-38, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Ferraro, Alessandra. Scrittori migranti: dal Friuli Venezia Giulia al QuébecOltreoceano, 1: 41-48, ISSN: 19724527.

Mercanti, Stefano. The Divine Vessel and the Flowering Consciousness in Raja Rao’s The Serpent and the RopeThe Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 113-123, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Mercanti, Stefano. The Village and its Story: Indigenization of the ‘Alien’ Language in Raja Rao’s Kanthapura and Ignazio Silone’s FontamaraQuaderni del 900, 7: 53-63, ISBN: 9788862270724.

Mercanti, Stefano.  I colori del corpoMultiverso, 4: 27-29, ISSN: 18266010.

Mercanti, Stefano. In Deepa Water: Mehta’s Latest Elemental MoveLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 42-45, ISSN: 18245226.

Mercanti, Stefano. Lance Henson: ritmo tribale e memoria del dopoOltreoceano, 1: 171-176, ISSN: 19724527.

Pecoraro, Laura. The Story Brought by Brigit: The Goddess Figure in Lady Gregory’s Work.  The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 199-210, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Riem, Antonella. Archetypes of Partnership and the Goddess: the Human Spiritual Journey in David Malouf’s The Conversations at Curlow CreekThe Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 57-71, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Riem, Antonella. Journeys in the Goddess Cosmic DanceThe Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education, A. Riem, L. C. Camaiora & M. R. Dolce (eds). Udine: Forum, pp. 15-21, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Riem, Antonella, Luisa Conti Camaiora & Maria Renata Dolce (eds). The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education. Udine: Forum, pp. 408, ISBN: 9788884204493.

Riem, Antonella. Il linguaggio dipintoMultiverso, 4: 24-25, ISSN: 18266010.

Riem, Antonella, Pluriversi e relazioni di partnership in “The Wagtail and the Rainbow”, una storia tradizionale aborigenaOltreoceano, 1: 177-182, ISSN: 19724527.


Albarea, Roberto & Alessandra Burelli. Sostenibilità in educazione. Udine: Forum, pp. 208, ISBN: 9788884203175.

Brady, Veronica. The Poetic of Place: Judith Wrigth’s at Cooloola. An Australian View. Le Simplegadi, 4, 4: 28-35, ISSN: 18245226.

Chakravarty, Saumitra. The Bauls of BengalLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 36-41, ISSN: 18245226.

De Luca, Anna Pia. Sconfinamenti culturali e di genere: Canada e Italia nella scrittura femminile canadeseAttraversamenti. Generi, saperi, geografie nella scrittura delle donne, Marisa Sestito (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 143-156, ISBN: 8884203279.

Mercanti, Stefano. L’India dell’immaginazione nei racconti di Raja Rao. Udine: Forum, pp. 162, ISBN: 8884203880.

Mercanti, Stefano. Over the Barricades of Indian Nationalism in Raja Rao’s Short-StoriesWasafiri, 21, 1: 16-21, ISSN: 02690055.

Mercanti, Stefano. Essere ‘umani’: sulle ali del mondo Cheyenne di Lance Henson. In Sapienze antiche all’incrocio di mondi / ANAM ĊARA, Antonella Riem (a cura di). Udine: Forum, pp. 39-44, ISBN: 8884203281.

Pecoraro, Laura. Le figure del Divino femminile in “Turning–le città della luna” di Antonella Barina: studio antropolocigo-culturale in collegamento al lavoro di Riane Eisler e Marija Gimbutas relativo al culto della Dea nelle civiltà anticheLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 89-108, ISSN: 18245226.

Riem, Antonella. Geografie, miti e percorsi della sapienza femminile. MacbethBaumgartner’s BombayCharades e Goonur, the Woman DoctorAttraversamenti: generi, saperi, geografie nella scrittura della donne. Udine: Forum, pp. 157-175, ISBN: 8884203279.

Riem, Antonella (a cura di). Sapienze antiche all’incrocio di mondi /ANAM ĊARA. Udine: Forum, pp. 200, ISBN: 888420328-1.

Riem, Antonella. Anita Desai’s Baumgartner and the Goddess MotherLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 20-27, ISSN: 18245226.


Bartoloni, Paolo. The Suspension of Experience in Modern LiteratureLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 19-25, ISSN: 18245226.

Brady, Veronica. To Reinvent the World? The Hope of Being True to the EarthLe Simplegadi, 4, 4: 26-32, ISSN: 18245226.

Mercanti, Stefano. Multiculturalism as a Partnership Model in Raja Rao’s India: A FableIl Bianco e il Nero, 7:  141-150, ISSN: 11273925.

Riem, Antonella. The One Life: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Hinduism. Jaipur-New Delhi: Rawat Publisher, pp. 410. ISBN: 817033947.

Riem, Antonella. The “Weird Sisters” as Priestesses of the Goddess in MacbethMerope, 44: 5-36, ISSN: 11210613.


Bartoloni, Paolo. Translation Theory for the New MillenniumLe Simplegadi, 2, 2: 80-86, ISSN: 18245226.

Barua, Krishna. The Dancing Prankster or the Enlightened Seer? Raja Rao’s The Cat and Shakespeare and Patrick White’s The Solid MandalaTowards a Transcultural Future. Literature and Society in a ‘Post’-Colonial World, Geoffrey V. Davis, Peter H. Marsden, Bénédicte Ledent & Marc Delrez (eds). Amsterdam-New York, pp. 171-184, ISBN:  9042017732.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Sharing Reflection and Awareness: Learning to Teach English as a Foreign Language. Udine: Forum, pp. 180, ISBN: 9788884202116.

Buchholtz, Miroslawa (ed). Postcolonial Subjects: Canadian and Australian PerspectivesTorun: Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, ISBN: 8323116695.

Dolce, Maria Renata. Le letterature in inglese e il canone. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, pp. 264, ISBN: 8882323692.

Eisler, Riane. Revisioning the Economic Rules: Empowering Women and Changing the WorldLe Simplegadi, 2, 2: 22-31, ISSN: 18245226.

Mercanti, Stefano. Devi-Devata in Raja Rao’s Short-Stories: The Gylanic Call of the Great GoddessAtlantic Literary Review, 5, 1-2: 108-127, ISSN: 09723269.

Riem, Antonella. Partnership and Literary Research: A Hypothesis for Postcolonial Criticism. In Postcolonial Subjects: Canadian and Australian Perspectives, Miroslawa Buchholtz (ed). Vol. 1. Torun: Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, pp. 11-28, ISBN: 8323116695.

Riem, Antonella (a cura di), Altri segni_Altre voci. Udine: Forum, pp. 127, ISBN: 8884202337.

Thieme, John.  “So few rainbows anymore”? Cinema, Nostalgia and the Concept of “Home” in Salman Rushdie’s FictionLe Simplegadi, 2, 2: 47-54, ISSN: 18245226.


Albarea, Roberto. Educational Approaches to PartnershipThe Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm, Antonella Riem & Roberto Albarea (eds), pp. 181-198, ISBN: 8884201438.

Bortoluzzi, Maria. Language Learning Approaches and Some Aspects of the Partnership ModelThe Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm, Antonella Riem & Roberto Albarea (eds), pp. 159-176, ISBN: 8884201438.

Brady, Veronica. Australia the Land of Similes: The Feminine EconomyLe Simplegadi, 1, 1: 11-15, ISSN: 18245226.

Eisler, Riane. Education for a Culture of Peace: Human PossibilitiesThe Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm, Antonella Riem & Roberto Albarea (eds), pp. 19-46, ISBN: 8884201438.

Loye, David. Darwin’s Lost Theory and the Hidden Crisis in Western EducationThe Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm, Antonella Riem & Roberto Albarea (eds), pp. 67-96, ISBN: 8884201438.

Riem, Antonella. Woman and Sacred Partnership in tales of Aboriginal Dreamtime: “Goonur the Woman Doctor”The Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm, Antonella Riem & Roberto Albarea (eds), pp. 47-65, ISBN: 8884201438.

Riem Antonella & Roberto Albarea (eds). The Art of Partnership. Essays on Literature, Culture, Language and Education Towards a Cooperative Paradigm. Udine: Forum, pp. 224, ISBN: 8884201438.

Riem, Antonella.  Letteratura/E in inglese, Partnership e Glocalizzazione – ipotesi di ricercaLe Simplegadi, 1, 1: 16-21, ISSN: 18245226.

Riem, Antonella. Janette Turner Hospital: Partnership and the Goddess’s “Charades”Atlantic Literary Review, 4, 4: 102-127, ISSN: 09723269.

Riem, Antonella. For Love Alone: Christina Stead and the Wild WomanIl bianco e il nero, 6: 37-62, ISSN: 11273925.

Trevisan, Piergiorgio. New Literature: L’importanza del mezzo informatico nella letteratura contemporaneaLe Simplegadi, 1, 1: 22-26, ISSN: 18245226.


Mercanti, Stefano. The Guru-Shishya Relationship in R. K. Narayan’s The GuideNew Insights into the Novels of R. K. Narayan, M. K. Bhatnagar (ed). New Delhi: Atlantic, pp. 76-87, ISBN: 8126901780.

Riem, Antonella (a cura di). Words from the Edge. Parole dall’orlo del mondo. Udine, Forum, pp. 122, ISBN: 8884200891.